Woman Holding Shotgun, pexels-karolina-grabowska-5202386.jpg

“Safety First” is not just a well-known slogan, but it is the ethos surrounding every aspect of SRT’s training methodology. The number of firearms sold each year rises rapidly and a significant portion of those sales are to first-time gun buyers. The responsibility and liability of gun ownership mandates the need for a solid understanding of firearm safety which also includes understanding how your firearm functions, proper fundamentals, firearm care and maintenance as well as safe storage and transport. Once the trigger has been pulled and the bullet has been fired, there is no calling it back so preventing an unintentional discharge and maintaining constant muzzle awareness is critical.

SRT’s discreet one-on-one training is performed in two segments: Non Live-Fire and Live-Fire.

Shooting Targets, shutterstock_351488150.jpg

Non Live-Fire is an in depth learning and training regimen utilizing intuitive training techniques to help each participant understand every aspect of the curriculum and develop proficiency on the respective topics. Besides the requirements for social distancing related to the current pandemic, the availability and cost associated with ammunition and the annoyances that can come from visits to your local Gun Range, firearm simulators and “dry-fire” training provide excellent platforms to develop or refine your firearms skills in the privacy of your own home, office or at our facility.

Live-Fire utilizes actual firearms with live ammunition in a controlled environment on either an indoor or outdoor range. Static Paper and/or properly rated steel targets are utilized to expand upon each participants skill level to develop confidence and proficiency.